This second self-portrait was from a photo I took, and it looks even more like him. He started using mechanical pencils, and he likes them a lot. He is doing a lot more shading, and the shading is soft.
This is a compiling of my drawings including my most recent ones.
Well ther is NO doubt Trickio is Multi-talented---I realy hpoe his life is less arduos than the past years.. He is the son of Michael Anthony Malcheski And Ellen Mary "Flatley"???? Were they not married????/ Any-way Patrick, May You have all the LUCK in the world--As your youth was severely Deprived--not quite depraved!.?--- Sun-one,sum-wun,Son-one----- Who nose? ! !......... "the Rest of the Story" ...Respectfully. ,,,Parsomonious by mistakes ~D~eacon--- AH-NON- ee -MusS--- May Lady Luck Smile on You Patrick........
you are such an idiot Deacon asshole fuck off.
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